Monday, September 28, 2009


Slow-moving Mercury turns direct in careful Virgo on September 29 while in a sextile to active Mars in sensitive Cancer. This aspect is in place for an unusually long time -- from September 30 through October 4. A full Harvest Moon in warrior Aries on October 3 brings heightened emotions into all conversations.

September 29: Mercury turns direct
When Mercury turned retrograde on September 6 in fair-minded Libra, you began a process of review especially concerning the well-being of your relationships. When retrograde Mercury re-entered analytical Virgo, your mind went into overdrive but you also got your facts gathered and sorted. Now, as Mercury turns direct and all of your folders and ideas are in order, it's time to communicate the details of what you want from others and from the world. Be specific for the best results.

September 30 and October 4: Mercury sextiles Mars
Do you have a message you want to get out to the world? Perhaps you would like to sell an article or book. Or, maybe you simply wish people would listen more carefully to what you have to say. When communicative Mercury and active Mars conspire, conversations get louder, a bit more strident and even inspiring. In this opportunity aspect, you have plenty of chances to get people interested in your projects. Because Mercury is moving slowly, your words have greater staying power than they would otherwise. So whether you IM, text, tweet or use the old-fashioned phone, get your ideas out there and watch what happens!

October 3: Full Moon in Aries
When a full Moon occurs in bold Aries, watch out for heated conversations that can escalate, combative posturing that goes further than one would prefer, and people acting before they think. On the other hand, because everyone feels so strongly at this time, your courage can help you move mountains that not too long ago would have seemed daunting! The trick with this volatile energy is to put it toward a good cause because you will easily advocate for yourself and others.

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