Focus on the stress you carry in your face, then release that tension by channeling any aggressive impulses into very raw movement. You can even start by giving yourself a little facial massage with chewy mouth stretches to release jaw tension. Punching, kicking, lunging forward or any martial arts activity will get you right into the Aries vibe of activating your instincts and aggression.
Slow yourself down. Truly listen to your body as you use deliberate, earthy and sensual movements that allow you to feel as if you are using all five senses. Work closely with sound and movement together, and allow your movement to remain close to the ground. Focus specifically on the neck and shoulders, where Taureans tend to carry the weight of the world.
Focus primarily on your breath, accentuating inhalation. From there, experiment with quick and dynamic motion. Don't be afraid to flail yourself around to a fun soundtrack as you pay special attention to your arms, shoulders and wrists -- all Gemini-ruled areas of the body. Move like the wind and don't forget to breathe, for Gemini also rules the lungs.
Allow your emotions to shape and move you. Let your body reflect the mood you're in, and change movement as your emotions change tone. Movements that allow you to get within yourself -- that make you feel as if you're in a protective shell -- are the most nurturing. Cancer rules the stomach, so choose movements that feel soothing to your tummy. You can also meditate on old memories or photographs to get in touch with buried feelings.
The goal is to open your heart. Yoga's "Fish Pose" is an excellent image, as are any bigger-than-life dance routines you can conjure. Choose bold, expressive movements, preferably performed in the sunshine. Leo is all about strength and self-confidence, so anything requiring heavy doses of will and determination will also activate your inner Lion.
Focus on detailed movements requiring precision and repetition. Add many spinal twists to your routine, for they stimulate the intestines and are excellent for Virgos. Repeating movements until you exhaust your nervous energy is very healing for Virgo's compulsive tendencies. Tweak it out!
Seek graceful movements that fill you with a sense of poise and inner peace. Ballet-inspired movements will give you the beauty and graceful sense of Libra. Use breath awareness to smooth out any rough edges or pesky imbalances in your body. Balancing poses such as "Tree Pose" are fantastic for checking on how your scales are rocking.
Focusing on your pelvic area, choose movements that access the watery and sexual energy of Scorpio. Try hip circles, lotus pose, hip shaking -- anything that opens up your hips and stirs your kundalini. Snake-like or belly dancing-inspired movements will rally the darker, sensual and transformative side of Scorpio. Intensity in your movement is key, so unleash your passionate streak.
Sharp, extended and expansive movements will often engender Sagittarius's energy. Feeling as though you are breaking new ground or reaching higher in your dance can unite you with the essence of Sag. You should feel like you're galloping through an open field -- or even flying! The more open and larger-than-life your movements, the more you'll activate that Sagittarian free spirit.
Work on being conscious of the boundaries of your skin while choosing disciplined movement. Remain mindful of each new step, and allow your body to move with commanding presence. Most importantly, choose movements that feel soothing to your knees, instead of potentially blowing them out.
Work with quick, erratic movements, and don't try to make sense of them. Follow your zaniest impulses without question, for the key is to experiment. Allow electrical impulses of energy to shoot through your limbs without holding back. Shock yourself with how strange and inventive your movements can get!
Allow yourself to feel like you're dancing -- with no bones to hold you up. Imagine your body completely made of water ... and float accordingly. Keep your limbs watery and your mind dreamy, then enter a wholly fluid state. Close your eyes, go into the void of the unknown and see what emerges. Remember, as modern dance pioneer Martha Graham said: "Keep the channel open."
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