We kick off the month of October astrologically with a full Moon in Aries on October 3. Watch out for heated conversations and people acting before they think. The trick with this volatile energy is to put it toward a good cause because you will easily advocate for yourself and others.
Mercury is busy as we start the month of October, which means you will have a lot on your mind. On October 4, Mercury sextiles Mars and creates a time of opportunity for us all. Now is the chance to get people interested in your ideas and projects. Then Mercury conjuncts Saturn on October 7 for the third time in this series, making this the perfect time to put the finishing touches on your plans. On October 7, this communicator planet enters Libra, when your attention shifts from work projects to social plans. Your ideas are challenged on October 10 as Mercury squares Pluto. Mercury trines Jupiter on the 20th, and big ideas and stimulating conversation can help you to plan for your future. Mercury forms another favorable trine -- this time with Neptune on the 24th -- forming one of the most creative, imaginative and even psychic combinations among our planets.
However, the biggest news of this month is Jupiter turning direct on the 12th. On the 10th, this generous planet of benevolence forms a supportive trine to the Sun providing us with an excellent networking bonanza. Then Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius on October 13, and the delays that may have hampered your progress now get a green light. Jupiter rules our potential for growth and expansion on many levels: physical, intellectual, spiritual and cultural, along with the accumulation of material assets, power and status. It also rules our optimism and aspirations.
Venus loves nothing better than being in its own sign -- Libra -- which it moves into on October 14. Even if you’re a loner by nature, this lovely transit (which will last until November 7) will lead you into the company of others. This is relationship-building time! A new Moon in Libra on the 17th will also give all lovebirds plenty of new energy. Use this new Moon energy to introduce something fresh and exciting into your relationship. Relationships are in the limelight again when Saturn moves into Libra on the 29th. Whether you’re married, seriously committed or single, you’re prompted to take your relationships more seriously.
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